GDPR For Dummies or how to deal with this in 2019 - Post Thumbnail

GDPR For Dummies or how to deal with this in 2019

GDPR is the form of the European legislation which is aimed to increase the protection of the citizen’s data in the European Union. It essentially replaces the earlier data protection directive of 1995 which the present UK data protection laws is now based on.

The GDPR for dummies is the culmination of some new rules concerning how the companies and the other organizations are permitted to collect the data from any of the EU residents. All organizations outside Europe also require to accept these new rules during their process of doing business. So what is GDPR for dummies is the big question which many people think of.

What is the key objective

The key objective is to allow an individual citizen to have control of their data. Also, it is the effort to ease the regulatory environment for the international business which is by unifying the regulations within the EU. It has far-reaching effects for all the citizens of the EU and the businesses which are operating within, regardless of the physical location. If the businesses hope to provide goods/services to the citizens of the EU, they can be subject to penalties being imposed by GDPR.

Any business which holds the personal data of the EU citizens will be held responsible under GDPR. GDPR covers any information which may be classified like personal details or which may be used in determining your identity. Parental consent can be required when processing any data which is related to the children ages sixteen and below.  Businesses which fail to fulfill with GDPR for dummies can be subject to penalties. This will mean various things for the businesses depending on the level of the infraction.

To the higher end, businesses can be needed to pay up to 20 million Euro, or 4% of the global turnover, whichever is being high. Companies can even be fined 2% for not following appropriate measures of keeping the records in the best condition. Ultimately, the penalty can depend on the nature of an infraction.

